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Sunday, May 3, 2009

Third Day on the 3rd Day

Mark gave us the old 'wrap it up' signal.

It's the last Third Day on the 3rd day for a while. Makes one reflect when coming to the closing of a season. What a year it has been! From last April to today it has been a struggle, a joy, a black hole, a dawning of new life, death, defeat and victory.

May of 2008, brought the onset of Lupus. By August of that year, I was practically bedridden. Three weeks in the hospital, some close calls and lots of medications later, I am in remission. We welcomed out newest nephew into the family this year. I walked away from some relationships and clung more tightly to others. I celebrated my niece's academic success. (A struggle we have been praying victory over for many years.) And I buried my beloved grandfather.

Through all the ups and downs Third Day has remained my soundtrack. I can always find encouragement, peace and inspiration in their music. So on this, the last Third Day on the 3rd day of the season, I take a moment to appreciate the background music of my life.

1 comment:

Carol L(TDfan Gomer) said...

Praying for brighter days ahead with God as your guide and Third Day as your muse.
